Table Talk: conversations that help
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ADHD and Time Series: Now—Not Now
Now—Not Now. What does this mean, how does it affect life with ADHD, and what helps to create an interface with the neurotypical world?ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Things that help manage ADHD: Exercise
Regular physical exercise offers significant benefits for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), including enhanced focus, reduced impulsivity, and improved mood. However, maintaining motivation
Relationships, Conflict & Time.
A parent’s relationship with their teenage child is one of the most essential factors in providing needed support and keeping them safe as they negotiate
Does everyone have ADHD?
Occasionally you hear questions raised about the rate of ADHD diagnosis and even comments such as “doesn’t everyone have ADHD”? Generally, this question is asked
Our Brain is No Accident
Have you ever wondered how humans became such a dominant species on our planet? I mean, think about it. We have been evolving for more